
Let us guess you've got a dress in your wardrobe, unworn for months but it's too special to part with? Give it a new purpose & rental it via Borrowed From. We do all the work for you, clean it, post it & store it. If you want it back all you have to do is ask.

  • 1. List your item

    Fill out the form below to list your rental item. Provide the relevant information & upload images. Please make one of these an image of the item on a plain background - with good lighting. You can also use: photos of yourself, friends, or previous renters wearing the item.

  • 2. Send the item

    Your item will need to be approved by a member of the Borrowed From team - this can take up to 48 hours. Our lender t&c's & payment details/commission will be emailed to you. Once we have accepted your rental request you must send the item to us or arrange a time and location for drop off.

  • 3. Get lending

    Your item will be available to rent via our website, you will be notified of any rental bookings. Payment to your bank account will be processed within 8-10 days of the completion of the rental.

Damage & Loss

Borrowed From will step in to resolve disputes between lenders and renters and reimburse for damage or loss on a case-by-case basis. In your claim, please include all evidence, receipts, proof of purchase, and details.